##################################################################################### ## ## ## ## ## FILE: readme1_1.txt ## ## ## ## Novice Form Version 1.1 ## ## © Copyright 2000-2004+ Seth Michael Knorr mail@sethknorr.com ## ## ## ## http://www.noviceform.com/ ## ## Please contact me with any bugs found, or any bug fixes. ## ## ## ##################################################################################### ## ## ## There is no email support provided for this script, ## ## the only support can be found at ## ## our web site: http://www.noviceform.com/ ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ANY PERSON(S) MAY USE AND MODIFY THESE SCRIPT(S) ## ## FREE OF CHARGE FOR EITHER BUSINESS ## ## OR PERSONAL, HOWEVER AT ALL TIMES HEADERS ## ## AND COPYRIGHT MUST ALWAYS REMAIN IN TACT. ## ## ## ## REDISTRIBUTION OF ANY KIND IS PROHIBITED ## ## WITH OUT THE CONSENT OF SETH KNORR. ## ## ## ## By using this code you agree to indemnify Seth M. Knorr ## ## from any liability that might arise from its use. ## ## ## ## ## ##################################################################################### ## ## ## This script is FREE, however if you use the script and ## ## find it useful, I would appreciate you rating it. ## ## ## ## TO RATE IT SIMPLY DOUBLE CLICK OPEN THE rateit.html ## ## FILE LOCATED IN THIS ZIP FILE! ## ## ## ##################################################################################### ## ## ## T H A N K Y O U I N A D V A N C E F O R ## ## S U P P O R T I N G M Y S P O N S O R S ## ## ## ##################################################################################### =========================== S E T U P =========================== TABLE OF CONTENTS: (1) CONFIGURING THE FILES ......(1A) nvform.php settings ......(1B) Creating your forms html page or configuring the nvform.html Template File (2) UPLOADING FILES ========================================================== (1) C O N F I G U R A T I O N S E T T I N G S =========================== (1A) Set the variable values in nvform.php as follows. =========================== *** For added privacy and security the $sendto and $ccto reply emails are set in the actual nvform.php script, preventing un-authorized person(s) from using your script to post their own forms to send spam. ----------------------------- $sendto $sendto is the email address the data from form submissions will be sent to, Example: $sendto = "sendto@yourdomain.com"; ----------------------------- $ccto $ccto is the email address the data from form submissions can be carbon copied to. If you don't want to carbon copy the data to a second email just ignore this, and leave blank. Example: $ccto = "ccto@yourdomain.com"; ------------------------------ O P T I O N A L V A R I A B L E S $setokurl to use $okurls to verify the URL the form is submitted by; set $setokurl = "1"; and set $setokurl = "0"; if you do not want to use $okurls to verify form submission URL. Example: $setokurl = "0"; /* WOULD NOT REQUIRE URL VALIDATION */ $setokurl = "1"; /* WOULD REQUIRE URL VALIDATION */ Only web address's entered below will be allowed to process the form if $setokurl = "1"; $okurls = "http://www.yourdomain.com,http://yourdomain.com,34.344.344.344"; Note: you must include the http:// or https:// =========================== (1B) Creating your forms html page or configuring the nvform.html Template File (This is the page your visitors will see and fill out on your site.) ===========================
THEN SIMPLY ADD OTHER FIELDS THAT YOU WANT THE "FORM POSTER" TO FILL IN, AND A SUBMIT AND YOU ARE ALL SET. YOU CAN ALSO USE THE nvform.html AS AN EXAMPLE FORM. =========================== (2) UPLOAD FILES =========================== Upload ALL FILES to a html readable directory. Upload ALL FILES to the SAME directory. SIDE NOTE: For Perl programmers new to PHP; permissions should be left set to 644. =========================== D O N E ! ! ! =========================== THAT'S IT YOUR DONE, IT IS VERY SIMPLE TO SET UP. FOR HELP INSTALLING GO TO: http://www.noviceform.com/ =========================== This script is FREE, however if you use the script and find it useful, I would appreciate you rating it. TO RATE IT SIMPLY DOUBLE CLICK OPEN THE rateit.html LOCATED IN THE DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE. =========================